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BBG Communications
1658 Gailes Boulevard, San Diego, CA, 92154
Phone: 1.619.661.6661

Why is the geostationary orbit used for communication applications?


For communication applications such as TV distribution, geostationary orbit is a cost savings investment. Applications that require a great number of ground antennas will use a geostationary satellite because all equipment will operate effectively without any need for expensive equipment to track the satellite.

Contact Us

BBG Communications entered the telecommunications industry to help remove restrictions placed on hotel guests by the largest ...

Our Clients

Our clients come in diverse fields, and their needs are ever changing. With technology constantly improving, our business thrives on....

Our Services

BBG Communications offers a wide range of products and services that can be custom fit to your business. BBG's business is organized along three...

BBG Communications
1658 Gailes Boulevard
San Diego, CA, 92154
Phone: 1.619.661.6661
Email: info@bbgcomm.com
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